In order to start using our system effectively, please consider going through this user manual
Create an account
At the top right, you will have to register an account with us. You will have to remember you USERNAME and PASSWORDS to enable you to login to your account.
Login to account
After account creation you will have to enter your USERNAME and PASSWORDS to login to your account.
Register your office name
After login to the system register your organisation at the organisation panel. After registering your account will have to be approved by the administrator.
Add stock items first
Before start selling your items, you must add your stocks. You can register your suppliers and the products and their selling and buying prices. Then remember to approve the stock at the product profile for it to appear at the sales.
Customer registration
This panel only for the customers to which you will need to keep their records.Before selling the item to the customer who you want to borrow to, you have to register the customer first.
Point of sale
At the point of sale you will be able to sell only the items that are available and approved at the stock only and pay for the items. You will also be able to lock the bill to prevent its deletion or modification.
At this panel you will add your expenses category first to enable you to add your daily expenses. You will be able to sort the reports of your daily,weekly,monthly and yearly expenses by category and general form.
Profit and loss account
At this area you will be able to see the expenses and the sales conducted on particular dates you have selected and get to know whether you got loss or profits on those particular dates.
You can view your various report as for sales,stocks,expenses and profit and losses of the particular sorted dates.